Saturday 15 March 2014

FoodCycle Volunteering

Today I spent the morning and some of the afternoon volunteering with FoodCycle Wandsworth - a great charity that is working to combine surplus food with hungry communities! As you know if you have read any of my other posts, I am on a mission to reduce the amount of food I waste at home - and FoodCycle does this too, but on a much larger scale.

They work with local shops to take any produce that is perfectly fine to eat but that people wont buy. Fresh bread from the bakery that didn't sell yesterday, slightly bashed fruit and veg, or boxes of eggs when one or two have been broken. I was astounded by the amount of food that was donated by the local shops. More than two shopping trolleys full of bread and two large bags full of boxes of eggs from one supermarket, for example. Where that would have gone if it hadn't been claimed by FoodCycle is anybodies guess, but I would imagine the bin.

The aim is to make three courses from the donated food, and then serve these to anyone from the local community with a sit down meal. It guarantees a filling and healthy meal once a week for those that may not get it otherwise, plus brings different people in the community together.

The starter was bruschetta, and given the huge amount of eggs we had we decided the best idea was frittata for the main course - already one of my favourites for using up eggs and sad vegetables, see my Home-made Mondays Cauliflower Fritatta.

I was put on frittata duty, and I have never fully appreciated before how long it takes to peel potatoes for 50 portions. Despite the lack of a frying pan, plus an oven that was as much use as trying to cook with a hairdryer, the frittata turned out pretty well I think...I complained so that's a good sign, right?!

This was all topped off with an apple compote with cinnamon eggy bread, and some brilliant community spirit!

So check out FoodCycle, or see if there is anything similar in your area. It was tiring but satisfying, and I would highly recommend it.

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